Monday, December 2, 2013

A Cord Not easily Broken

A $10 label maker has become my best friend in this process of organizing my life a little better. I highly recommend them.  I actually bought 2-one for upstairs and one for downstairs.  Organization is an ongoing process & I needed tools at hand and easily accessible if I was to make headway.
There was a particular incident that precipitated this ongoing to desire to get organized.

About 4 weeks after the death of my husband, I began the daunting task of going through his things.  I was so overwhelmed with all that had to be done, but I had to start SOMEWHERE.

I got 3 large snap top plastic boxes and labeled them “Keep” “Donate” and “Toss.”  The “Keep” pile I would divide and conquer another day.  However, I began finding black cords to electronic gizmos.  There were electronic devices, too, but I had no idea what went with what.  Many of the cords were a tangled MESS.

I started a new box & all cords and electronics  went into it.  One night while watching a movie, I tackled THAT box.   Each individual cord was painstakingly untangled and placed in a plastic bag.  I do not exaggerate when I say there were over 60 cords!!
As I worked on that project, I was reminded of Ecc 4:12 that speaks of a three fold cord not easily broken.

There were friends in my life that stood in the gap for me during this time of crisis were like this three-fold cord. Their simple presence showed me cared & I was not alone. They hugged, they listened, they prayed for me.  There is strength in numbers. :-)

When life is disorganized and chaotic, if you feel alone in your hurt today, turn to that Three-fold cord that cannot be broken-the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit.   I am confident of comfort, provision, and a peace that passes understanding.  God’s Word promises!! & our God always delivers.

Confectionately  Yours,


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