Monday, December 16, 2013

Removing Silly Putty

Hi, this is Sue Murphy, and I have a Circle of Friends household hint for you.

Have you ever had a good intention backfire on you?  I recently removed the cushions on my less-than-a-year-old sofa to discover a wad of something I couldn’t readily identify.  It would not come off.  I couldn’t imagine what it was. 

I racked my brain!! It suddenly dawned on me that the silly putty I had given a child in a Christmas stocking was now cemented to my sofa and a cushion, too!!  My first thought was that old grim saying, “No good deed goes unpunished.”  Isn’t that a lie Satan wants us to believe to keep us from doing good things?

Our first Christmas without my husband was a miserable experience.  My kids and I tried to have our normal holiday, but the traditions of the past hurt too much without Greg.
The next year we decided to find a family to minister to.  We had a ball finding just the right toys and games for each child.  It was a help to them, and joyful for me and my children.  However, I digress.  There was a gob of silly putty attached to my sofa to contend with!!

I gently scraped as much of it as I could, then applied a coating of WD-40.  It softened the putty, and using the edge of a dull knife, I was able to scrape the once hardened goo off the fabric.  It took some patience, and more than one application of WD-40, but I kept at it.  Once the putty was gone, I cleaned the area with rubbing alcohol to remove the residue of the WD-40, then cleaned it with a grease removing dish-washing soap, and rinsed with a damp cloth.

My sofa was good as new!!

This whole episode reminded me that just like that silly putty, sin is pleasurable for a season.  When the fun is gone though, it leaves a hardened shell around our hearts that is impossible to remove on our own…just like that Silly Putty.  But when God’s WD-40, the Holy Spirit, is applied to that hardened heart, it softens, sin is confessed, forgiven, and behold we are new again.

I am so grateful for God’s unfailing love and patience with this sometimes wayward child of His.

I am Sue Murphy,Silly Putty free, and..... 

Confectionately  Yours

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